The LSAT is a test that has the power to produce mixed emotions from a lot of people. Some enjoy cracking the puzzles of the logic games, while others cringe. We are told that the LSAT is primarily designed to reflect success in law school. So does this mean that if a person receives a low LSAT score, he or she will have a hard time passing the bar exam?
The National Jurist, a legal magazine distributed nationally, recently conducted a study looking at the correlation of LSAT scores and bar passage rate. Researchers wanted to find out if law schools with a lower median LSAT had a lower bar passage rate. They discovered that most schools have bar passage rates that correlate to their incoming LSAT scores, but that Capital "buck(ed) the average". The article goes on to showcase Capital's high bar passage rate.
To highlight some of Capital's effective preparatory programs, the article quotes Professor Yvonne Twiss, Director of Bar Services, and former Student Bar Association President Thomas Siwo, L'11. Siwo talks about his experience with the Academic Success Protocol, a program which helps admitted students prepare for law school, during the summer, before classes begin. He states, "We spent 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in mock classes...practicing reading and writing techniques with professors who taught classes. It really gave me a heads up on how to think and perform in law school." Siwo's hard work paid off. He passed the bar last summer and now practices law at Bricker & Eckler, one of Ohio's largest firms.
Professor Twiss talks about the success of the Capital Advanced Bar Studies (ABS) course. In 2005, the American Bar Association lifted a ban on for-credit, in-house bar prep at law schools. Capital crafted a course to help students get ready for the process of studying for the bar exam. Although it is not mandatory, around 95% of students choose to take this class. The course has certainly proven its value. Now, after the implementation of ABS, the average percentage of first-time test takers passing the bar at Capital in the past five July exams is 90.26 percent, compared to 88.26 for all other Ohio schools.
Click here to view the entire article.
Test preparation is not easy especially when you are not able to concentrate while studying. Always revise what you studied a day before you start learning new topics each day. It will make sure that the information will be remembered for long time. I too have been preparing using TestMax LSAT Prep Courses and follow these tips.